Monday 6 June 2011

Doctor Who FAQs

Q: Who is “the Doctor”?

A: The Doctor is a “Madman in a blue box”. He is fire and ice; he burns at the heart of the universe and wears ridiculous articles of clothing that determine his regeneration identity and clues the viewers in to the fact that “I’m not Colin Baker anymore!” like celery, long colourful scarves, question marks, (obviously watched too much batman!), leather (kinky), bow ties, mad hair, ruffles, hats or fezes (or whatever the plural of fez is?) etc. He is a time travelling alien, a Galifreyan and Time Lord (all Time Lord’s are Galifreyan but not all Galifreyans are Time Lords – think ven-diagram!). He is almost a millennium old (probably older – men are a paranoid about their age as women, half the world just won’t admit it!). He is time sensitive and can feel the turn of the universe. He is pretty, young blonde sensitive and clueless as to why. He has two hearts for double the love and believes in the potentiality for goodness and understanding in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He’s sexy as ‘Bond, James Bond’ and yes, women do have a thing about powerful and commanding men but don’t push it or you’ll get a slap! The Doctor is, in one word – Hope.

Q: Who is the TARDIS?

A: Suranne Jones on a bad hair day, apparently! I’ve always thought of her as a cross between Joanna Lumly and Elizabeth Bennett! She’s a woman who knows her own mind, quirky and eccentric and suffers for PDT on a daily bases! I think you can work out what that stands for. She is loyal and fiercely protective, independent, bit of a prankster and so, so beautiful. The TARDIS is a broken camilian circuit bobby blue Police Box who’s bigger on the inside in every way and the Doctor’s one true companion.

Q: What are the qualifications for a Doctor’s Companion?

A: Able to run a lot. Patient to the point of sainthood. Jeopardly friendly. Thinks outside the box both literally and metaphorically! Thinks big, furry creatures with purple eyes and bright green skin and pointy swords are cute. Zena, warrior princess! Loves tea, hates pears and cats. Slight death wish, martyr with high levels of compassion, sense of justice, morality and a fondness for Aberdeen.

Q: Sentences never to be uttered in the Doctor’s presence?

A: What else do you have two of?

Can I have a pony?

Doctor, what does the blue line mean?

Don’t you think the Daleks are just misunderstood?

Who looks at something and thinks, that could be a bit more sonic?

I don’t do running.

I never liked Janis Joplin.

Their puny war is none of our business let’s go to Blackpool and get an ice-cream.

Can you drop me off at mum’s next Saturday to watch the lotto, then pop over to a newsagent a week before?

Wednesday 19 May 2010

15 Ways to Annoy the Tenth Doctor

15 ways to annoy the Tenth Doctor

At every available occasion, wander off, thus break rule number one in the Doctor’s mental handbook. This particularly effective if he is mid-flow of a heavily verbose, techno-babble, science lecture as wounded pride always comes before a fall, in this case probably yours and possibly in a carnivorous black hole.

Tell him he reminds you of your pet cat you had while you were growing up and ask him if you can rub his belly.

Sing, Joe Pascquale’s “I know a song that’ll get on your nerves!” complete with squeaky decibelled voice whenever he finally decides that he needs to sleep and if possible teach it to the TARDIS.

Throw your elocution lessons out of the preverbal window and make as many grammar mistakes as possible. Bet yet correct his grammar mistakes and metaphors even if his use of the past participle is perfect and generally tell him he is wrong a lot.

Force him to take you to the biggest intergalactic shopping mall and drag him around all the lingerie shops until the colour of his prominent cheek bones matches the colour of his burgundy converse.

While at said mall, buy ginger hair dye and take every opportunity to remind him you are both rude and ginger.

Oh listen carefully because this one’s very important. You’ve heard of Samson and Delilah, right? Cut his hair while he’s having a cat nap or run around brandishing a razor for spontaneous attacks like they did in “The Jackass Movie”.

Ask him if he has two of anything else and demand a visual demonstration as proof.

Always carry a gun, pen knife, garden shovel, whatever you can get your hands on and embrace your wild, west, trigger happy self.

Refuse to believe in basic scientific principles like the Earth isn’t flat, evolution is ridiculous and travelling at light speed is impossible.

Use the phrase, “Am I bowered?” as much as possible especially whenever he’s trying to impress you or showing you some beautiful Technicolor sunset or robotic dog with ten times the IQ of the average member of the human race.

Lose the TARDIS in a game of poker particularly if you are playing against the Master or Davros.

Take notes of future events like horse races, football scores, and lottery numbers and wire them to your bookie.

Fall madly in love with the time travelling, quirky, space stud and make it obvious even for the relationship challenges Gallifreyan. For example try writing “Your name ‘heart’ The Doctor” on all his sticky, post-it notes, boil his sonic screwdriver, parade around in school uniforms and ask him about ‘dancing’.

Play “Hey Mickey you’re so fine” on surround sound throughout the TARDIS and Talk at length and in exquisite detail about all your sexual encounters and tell him that he’s like ‘your gay best friend’ who you can tell anything too. This effectively insults his masculinity and when it comes to his manhood even the aloft Doctor like’s to think he has the biggest screwdriver.

Kick multiple puppies and generally show no compassion and as much prejudice against alien races as possible.

Call 0800 numbers from the TARDIS phone and write the phone on toilet stalls all over the galaxy with the words “Sexy space man looking for a good time. Likes to be referred to as ‘The Master’ and make sure you visit the Hubs ladies room at some point.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Doctor Who The Movie 1996 Outtakes!

Classic Who Outtakes!

Torchwood Outtakes

Doctor Who Outtakes From Seasons 1-5

Funny Pics!